Subud International Cultural Association

Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of activities that grow out of the development of the human soul. Founded by Subud members in 1983, SICA was inspired by the realization that what one experiences in Subud is an inner awakening that helps one discover one's true talents and know one's true self. It's an education from within oneself. It works from the inside out. The purpose of this education is to help us improve ourselves and our communities. Each Subud member takes responsibility for his or her own development. Each member develops by themselves according to their own capacity and sincerity. The result of this education is that we develop our own culture.

Subud, the organization, is an association of people from different religions, beliefs, nationalities and cultures, who have in common a spiritual practice known as the latihan kejiwaan. (Indonesian for education or training of the inner self or soul). When SICA began, Subud members were asking themselves, "How can we share what we are experiencing without infringing on the beliefs of others? How can we show the results of the Subud spiritual practice to people not in Subud? How can we contribute to a more human culture in our world? How can we make a difference though the expression of our true talents? How do we know what has real content and what doesn't?" These were the questions that inspired the beginning of SICA.

The founder of Subud was equally inspiring: "The latihan kejiwaan is first of all the awakening of the human jiwa (soul) according to the will of God Almighty, and second, it is the awakening of human culture.” — Bapak Mhd. Subuh, London, England, May 23, 1976

Today SICA sponsors cultural events and activities in more than seventy countries. SICA affirms the cultural components of the development process; embraces and affirms the diversity of cultural identities; and works to promote international cultural cooperation among peoples, cultures and religions as a prerequisite for the world becoming prosperous and stable. Its programs and activities broadly embrace creative expression across all fields of human endeavor.

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